Here's a poker game in which no man can lose ... not when he's playing with Sally, Irene and Joan, three dollies who may not know a full house from a pair of jacks, but know that their ace-in-the-hole is their ociraeous looks.
Who can con-centrate on the cards, when the queens are stripping off, bringing a flush to the face. A man doesn't have to be hit over the head with a club to realise his heart's beating faster .. and, to call a spade a spade, these dollies are worth their weight in diamonds.
We'll bet this is one game you won, pass up . . . so open the game ... and before long we'll bet you raise with that straight you're holding ...
Edition: Strip Poker
Publisher: Delta Pictures
Information: U.S.A. published, 1973 (color + black and white scans)