Country: USA
Genre: Feature
Director: Fred J. Lincoln
Studio: AFV
Cast: Aja, Gail Force, Jacqueline, Jenna Wells, Lauryl Canyon, Mona Lisa, Shawnee Cates, Jamie Gillis, Jim Powers, Ron Jeremy, Steve Drake, Wayne Summers
Description: A.F.V.'s much-awaited send-up of the classic Blue Angel has finally been released, and it's impressive — as a tribute to the original, and for some interesting non-sex activity. (You won't want to miss Aja doing a fire dance on stage.) Even the music, written by star Kristall, is excellent — though she sometimes sings it off-key. But the problem is that the star herself, despite doing an excellent send-up of Marlene Dietrich's style, has only one sex scene, and it's a girl/girler.
In case you're unfamiliar with the original, this is the story of a cabaret singer (Kristall) who enthralls the local police captain (Jamie Gillis) so much that he dreams of her constantly and eventually loses his job because of her. There's also a lot of side action, such as the relationship of Moana Lisa and Steve Drake, who co-own the nightclub; the jealousy of co-performer Aja; and the question of what the new talent (Shawnee Gates as "BabyJane") will do to all these relationships. (Judging from the previews, that last storyline will be dealt with heavily in part 2.)
Best sex scene kudos go to Aja, who's seduced by Ron Jeremy and Wayne Summers, as cops who seem to spend their entire days at the cabaret — usually fawning over Kristall. Almost as hot are the couplings between Moana and Steve, and later between Steve and Shawnee. By comparison, the "penultimate encounter" between Aja and Kristall (while Jamie watches and jacks off) is luke-warm; an unfortunate ending for a promising subject. Kristall in a very Dietrich pose on the box should mean brisk sales and customer interest.